about us

Cable cars

Every day, our cableway specialists go above and beyond. They ensure a safe ride on the rope and push the right buttons for a gentle landing high up on the summit.

Christine Aggarwal

Christine Aggarwal

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant 
Maschinist Luftseilbahn Kräbel-Rigi Scheidegg

Hans Baggenstos

Machinist cable car 
Kräbel-Rigi Scheidegg 
Max Bertschinger

Max Bertschinger

Parking lot controller 
Margrith Burger

Margrith Burger-Kenel 

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant
Michael Dahinden, Technischer Leiter, Berufsbildner

Michael Dahinden

Head of technical services

Hans Felder, Kabinenbegleiter Seilbahn

Hans Felder

Cabin attendant
Delano Feusi

Delano Feusi 

Machinist cable car, cabin attendant

Edith Fischer

Edith Fischer

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant
Kabinenbegleiter Luftseilbahn

Andy Furrer

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant

Markus Hermann

Markus Hermann

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant

Julia Lottenbach, Touristinfo & Shops, Kabinenbegleiterin Seilbahn

Julia Lottenbach

Touristinfo & shop, cable car cabin attendant, practical trainer

Kabinenbegleiterin Luftseilbahn

Susi Mennel-Marty

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant

Kabinenbegleiterin, Hilfsmaschinistin Luftseilbahnen

Vreni Pfrunder

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant, instructor 
Markus Rast

Markus Rast

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant

Maschinist, Kabinenbegleiter Luftseilbahn

Simone Savino

Head of cable cars, rep. head of technical services

Kabinenbegleiterin Seilbahn bei der RIGI BAHNEN AG

Claudia Stirnimann Thomas

Machinist assistant cable car, cabin attendant

Maschinist, Kabinenbegleiter Luftseilbahn

Gerry Spiess

Cable car cabin attendant and machinist 
Amir Suter, Kabinenbegleiter Seilbahn

Amir Suter 

Cable car cabin attendant

Edith Suter

Edith Suter

Cable car cabin attendant and machinist assistant 
Bernadette Trefny, Kabinenbegleiterin Seilbahn

Bernadette Trefny

Cable car cabin attendant 
Yves Waser, Maschinist, Kabinenbegleiter Seilbahnen

Yves Waser

Cable car cabin attendant and machinist