Rigi Scheidegg - Burggeist

current situation

Here you'll find all information about the weather situation, as well as the opening hours of the mountain inns and the facilities on Rigi Scheidegg and Rigi Burggeist. 

Current situation Rigi Scheidegg - Burggeist

Version: 26.04.2024 / 08:00 AM

Temperature0,5 °C
Windno  wind
Aerial Cable Car Kräbel-Rigi Scheideggclosed under maintenance from April 02nd to 26th 2024
Aerial Cable Car Obergschwend-Rigi      Burggeist            open
Panoramaweg Rigi Scheidegg-Kaltbad


(good footwear required)

Berggasthaus Rigi Scheidegg closed
Berggasthaus Rigi Burggeistclosed
Alpen Kiosk Rigi Scheideggclosed
Alpencafé Rigi Maisonclosed

worth knowing